We are an Aero Design team composed of several students from different degrees. Mostly, from the degree in Aerospace Engineering, taught at the EEAE (Escola de Enxeñaria Aeronáutica e do Espazo) and the degree in Computer Engineering, taught at the ESEI (Escola Superior de Enxeñaria Informática), located at the "Universidad de Vigo" and belonging to the campus of the city of Ourense. We are located in the "Campus de Agua", where we have our workshop and in the Martínez Risco Pavilion, where we have our office.


We seek to go beyond competition, encouraging respect and teamwork. We always carry out our activities with sustainable development and social commitment in mind. We are committed to gender equality in engineering, a challenge that is still present today.

In addition, through our team we raise awareness of the world of engineering by promoting innovation and research, applying the knowledge acquired by students throughout their training.

After the recent incorporation of the Degree in Aerospace Engineering at UVigo, Aerotech is something new in the university activity in Galicia, as we are the only Aero Design team in the whole autonomous community. We carry out our main activities in the city of Ourense, which provides great visibility to the city and its local companies.
